WOODY ALLEN once remarked that believing in God would be easier if He would show Himself by making a large deposit in a Swiss bank account in the director’s name. Parking riches in the Alps has become a less heavenly experience in recent years, thanks to America’s assault on its tax-dodging citizens and the moneymen who serve them.
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Canadian experts say that as long as you follow the appropriate reporting rules set out by the Canada Revenue Agency, offshore bank accounts can be a practical and, in some cases, necessary way to deal with your finances
Read more →The proposals, from members of Germany’s council of economic experts, raise the prospect of taxes being imposed on property in a country like Spain if its government was forced to seek a bail-out.
Read more →Cyprus’ finance minister has insisted that the island’s banks were not a hub for money laundering and eurozone peers should decide quickly on the indebted island’s bailout bid. The minister’s position comes amid increasing reluctance in the German Bundestag to bail out Cyprus.
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